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Born Tehran, Persian 1943

WÅ‚odzimierz was born in Tehran, Persia in January 1943.  From Tehran, Lucyna and WÅ‚odzimierz travelled by boat to Tanganyika in East Africa. By all accounts, he lived a fairly charmed life full of things that young boys love - snakes, monkeys and all the other interesting things that living in Africa entailed.  It would have been some adventure.  They lived in Tengeru camp until 1950 when Lucyna decided to make the journey to Australia.​Lucyna and WÅ‚odzimierz arrived in Fremantle, Western Australia on board the General Langfitt.  By bus and train, they were taken to Cunderdin in WA's wheatbelt region.  He recalls many adventures living at the camp - apples wrapped in waxed paper from town, playing soccer on the airfield and having his stomach ripped open while trying to rescue a cat on the roof of the camp.


After sometime in the migrant camp at Cunderdin east of Perth, they moved to Subiaco, Claremont and then Embleton.​


Lucyna married Michal Keller in around 1952 and WÅ‚odzimierz was naturalised taking Michal's surname and becoming became Vodek Keller.


Vodek married Sherrill Spencer in 1969.​  They have three daughters Michelle, Jennifer and Leigh, two sons-in-law Michael and Justin, two grand-daughters Lola and Ella and two step grandchildren Chase and Tindara.


​Vodek first travelled to Poland with Sherrill in 2007 where he met with both surviving relatives (Lucyna's sister Ana, who sadly passed the following year) and new relatives.


A second trip followed in 2014, where Michelle joined him and Sherrill and in December 2019, Vodek, Sherrill and Michelle spent a White Christmas in Warsaw with his family in 2019, spending Christmas Eve with his cousin Grazyna (Ana's daughter), who sadly passed the following year.

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